Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Getting into Position

“So when the king’s order was proclaimed…Esther also was taken into the
king’s palace and put in custody of Hegai, who had charge of the women.” 
Esther 2:8

Do you enjoy a good football game? Most of the time I would say that I do — although sometimes I enjoy the good nap that happens during the good football game more. Since Paul and I were both born in Minnesota we really have no choice in team loyalty — as Paul says, we were born with the Vikings tattoo. This past Sunday was our first opportunity to catch a game this season. Rarely do they play well through the entire season, but somehow we just keep watching. They did pull off a win this week — so far so good! 

Each player on a football team knows exactly what their position is and why they are there. This is no surprise to them. Sometimes players know their position from middle school on up. They’re usually hired for their position. This is how football works. This is NOT how our spiritual lives work.

I’m thinking about Esther again this week since we’ll be studying chapter two on Friday. In a matter of ten short verses a young Jewish girl — Hadassah by her Hebrew name, Esther by her Persian name — went from being an orphan to becoming the Queen of Persia. Talk about a change in position! There was nothing in her middle school years that could have prepared her for that position in life. 

As we move on to chapter three, the significance of Esther’s access to the King of Persia becomes clear — but that’s not yet the case in chapter two. Her change in position just seems like a random, but fortunate, turn-of-events.

This causes us to consider the position we find ourselves in right now in life. Maybe you can relate to the NFL quarterback in that from middle school until now God has placed you right where you always expected Him to place you. But maybe you’re like the rest of us — you’re often perplexed as to why you are where you are, why you are doing what you are doing, how you got to this place anyway. You’re in a chapter two position, where you don’t really understand the significance of where God has placed you and you may even wonder if you’ve made a wrong turn somewhere.

If that resonates with you, I’d like to offer a couple of thoughts. 

  • Sometimes God allows turns-of-events toward the positive, like Esther’s experience; and sometimes toward the negative, like, for example, Corrie ten Boom’s experience. Both positive and negative placements can still be God working behind the scenes of our lives.

  • Our chapter two experiences in life can be short or long — what I mean is, the length of time that goes by until we perceive the significance of why God has put us into the position He has can be quite short or very long.

  • The best thing we can do while living out the position God has placed us in, is to be faithful regardless of if we like our current position or not. We need to trust in the truthfulness of Romans 8:28

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together

for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

As for me, I've been ushered into a new position in life. In most ways, I'm still in a chapter two experience, not fully understanding the significance of all that God is doing behind the scenes. But I am confident that all will be made clear as I simply continue to move forward and try to be as faithful as possible in this chapter.

If you think to pray for me, I am still fussing with certain side-effects of the chemo, even though it’s been almost 30 days since my last treatment. I know that it won’t always be this way…but prayers for patience and perseverance would be appreciated!

My Love & Blessings,


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