Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Leaning into the Presence of the Lord

“God sometimes raises difficulties in the way of His people, 

that He may have the glory of subduing them, and

helping His people over them.” ~ Matthew Henry

As I’ve been processing this new season of my life that includes breast cancer treatment, I’m keenly aware that I’m entering into a completely new orbit of knowing the steadfast love of the Lord more personally and more deeply!

The intention of this page will be to provide updates for those who have graciously committed to pray for me and for anyone interested in my physical treatment and health. However, you’ll probably also need to wade through some of what’s going on in my spirit as well. Maybe you’ll even find encouragement for your own spirit.

Since treatment hasn’t technically begun (as of today), I simply want to share where I find myself and how God is comforting me, even as I walk through the doorway to treatment, surgery, and all that goes with a disease like this.

Last week, as the Lord planned it, I received my diagnosis only three days before I was to teach at a Women’s Retreat in California. The pre-arranged text was the Exodus of the people of Israel out of Egypt. As they fled Egypt, they found themselves in an unexpected and troubling situation … God led them to a place where the Red Sea was before them and the Egyptian army came closing in behind. But God had a plan — not only for their rescue but to declare His power and make sure everyone (including the Egyptians) knew that He was the LORD. (Ex. 14:4)

Even though the way in which He led His people was unexpected, they could always expect God’s presence to be with them. In fact, that was the real theme of the retreat — leaning into the presence of the Lord. God had trained Moses ahead of time for this exact moment by telling him “I will be with you” (Ex. 3:12) and reminding him of that two more times. 

Don’t you find it interesting, as I do, that multiple times in my retreat message I reinforced this statement: 

You can live with courage and overcome any emotion if you 

learn to lean into the presence of the Lord!

Yep. I think that was part of the arrangement — God allowed me to go preach to myself and He let a room full of women listen in. (God tends to be very efficient that way)

And so, this is my resting place now for the next several months, leaning into the presence of the Lord! I’m probably a bit more private than the average gal. I dislike anything sensational. I don’t care for much attention — especially health-related attention. But I’m realizing that a clear view of the Red Sea in people’s lives can bring more glory to God than a dim view or no view at all.

So, I will post updates occasionally, and I will even allow you a glimpse of the Red Sea that I’m facing so that you can all be encouraged with the work of the Lord in the life of a simple follower of Jesus. And I am assured that you will be praying for God’s work of healing in my physical body as well through this process.

So, here is my current condition. I have a fairly aggressive breast cancer that has extended into the lymph nodes. I’ve already met with my oncologist and tomorrow I will meet with my highly-recommended surgeon. Early next week my port will be installed and I’ll be ready to begin chemotherapy. It’s too soon to know the length of treatment or the timing of surgery, but I’m confident that everything will unfold in good order. 

I really am disappointed that I won’t be able to begin the book of Esther next week along with all of our WOW ladies. I had such a great time creating the study guide and was really looking forward to this treat after our long series in 1&2 Kings. But, it will happen — the timing is just in the Lord’s hands — just like the subtitle of the Bible Study — When God Works in the Shadows!

That’s enough for this week. I’ll post updates as needed.

My love and blessings to all who care to read this—and my sincere thanks to all who have joined us in prayer,



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