Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Summer Sabbatical

 “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, 
on those who hope in his steadfast love.” ~ Psalm 33:18

Today is what we used to call May Day when I was young. In Minnesota it seemed to me like a holiday invented to put snow in the rear view mirror and assure ourselves that summer was indeed on the way. All these years later, May signals a new season for me in a different, but good way.

In my last post, I used the word aggressive to describe the type of cancer that has become my enemy. Aggressive isn’t ALL bad and in my case it may prove beneficial. All of those little cells with open and hungry mouths are about to gobble up a big surprise intended to make them shrink back in horror! (okay that’s a bit dramatic.) But the point is, we have every hope that chemotherapy will prove quite effective on this cancer. My therapy will last from the first week of May until the end of August. Then will come the time for surgery.

I’ve come to realize that God is ushering me into a summer sabbatical! I’ve also come to realize that if a person has to do chemo, there is no better time to begin than May in order to enjoy everything that summer offers: sunshine, flowers, predictable weather, fewer germs, opportunities to be with people in outdoor settings…the list goes on and on. So, I’m super thankful to begin a treatment like this now.

I also have another huge piece to be grateful for this week — all my labs, scans, and echoes show no cancer lurking in other organs or bones! WOW! That news was huge for me! I know that God would walk with me through any of the cancer problems that could possibly arise, but hearing the news that I merely have breast cancer now seems pretty doable and a huge reason for praise!

Thank you for all of your notes, your encouragement, your sweet gifts, but most especially thank you for lifting me to the Lord in prayer. You’ve likely heard people say that they can feel the prayers of God’s people, and it is true! I feel quite carried and cared for.

Sending my Love & Blessings,



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At Just the Right Time